This product is a one step neutral disinfectant that is effective against a broad spectrum of bacteria when used as directed. When used as directed, this product will deodorize surfaces in the restroom and toilet areas, behind and under sinks and counters, garbage cans and garbage storage areas, and other places where bacterial growth can cause malodors. This formulation is recommended for use in hospitals, medical and dental offices, nursing homes, public restrooms, institutions, schools, colleges, food processing plants, food storage areas, kitchens, restaurants and bars, airports, transportation terminals, hotels, and motels. ¶¶For use in households. This product provides effective cleaning strength that will not dull most metal-interlock floor finishes and does not require a rinse before recoat. This product is for use in kitchens, bathrooms, and other household areas. This product is a neutral pH multi-surface cleaner, deodorizer, and disinfectant. Use on windows, mirrors, and other non-food contact glass surfaces.¶¶DIN: 02356287
Patriot 16 Neutral Quat Disinfectant Cleaner Concentrate
Đặt mua Patriot 16 Neutral Quat Disinfectant Cleaner Concentrate

Patriot 16 Neutral Quat Disinfectant Cleaner Concentrate
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